Humanity has been threatened by pandemics since several decades with devastating effects on all human activities including the economy, and environment. Currently, the world is suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic. The covid-19 creates many threats to sustainability of agriculture sector which is very sensitive because of food supply security needs. The COVID-19 pandemic has been a major threat to the livelihood of billions of people worldwide. Nepal is not an exception to this and has been seriously threatened by the COVID-19 pandemic. The thousands of the peoples who depend on daily wages to join hand to mouth has been under the brunt of the COVID-19 pandemic because of job loss, disruption in the food supply chain. This paper was prepared after intensive review of all the information obtained from available resource to analyze and comprehend the immediate consequences of COVID-19 pandemic on agricultural, food systems and national economy in order to develop necessary actions. The risks, vulnerability, resilience and systemic shifts of agricultural systems need to be better understood. Hence, in order to adapt to streamline the future direction of agricultural sustainability and economic upliftment, an effort has been made in this paper to evaluate the potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy of Nepal, agriculture, remittance, unemployment and biggest fall in GDP and assess the effectiveness of measures and policies to deal with this crisis.